Rocky Mountain Cannabis Consulting

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Saving You 3 Years Of Headaches In 3 Short Months

Clients told us how valuable our training is to their business and were frustrated we couldn’t travel to their location in 2020 like we had in the past.

During the first few years of RMCC, our Compliance Team traveled on-site for 3 - 16 weeks in a year, per client. The Launch Kit Package expedites implementing regulatory requirements into daily workflows to standardize and scale your business, compliantly.

Something that may take you 3 years of trial and error, consolidated into a one-year partnership with RMCC. The Launch Kit package is an investment, one that owner-operated businesses, compliance officers, and inventory managers are unable to access. Until now. We transformed the Launch Kit into our Track-and-Trace Administrator Certification Program.

New for 2021, the 100+ hours “train the trainer” program

includes templates, SOPs, 45+ hours of online training, mentorship, one on one coaching, and personalized learning pathways.

With a proven track record of success from the largest cannabis companies, including Canndescent, dosist, and HERBL distribution, the Launch Kit has been invaluable to our clients’ adapting and implementing a standardized structure to scale their business while staying in compliance. 

Now, we are incredibly excited to make this hard-to-find knowledge to all licensed operators and their employees more accessible!

Compliance Officers, Metrc Administrators, Metrc Consultants, Inventory Managers, owner-operated businesses, or those looking to start a cannabis compliance career -  all are welcomed!

We took the time to listen to what our clients asked for: More affordable and increased access to our hard-to-find knowledge.

To start, we are giving away our most valuable asset, for free. RMCC’s Compliance Operations Aptitude Test, it’s extensive. In your own time, budget 3 - 4 hours to gauge how in (or out) of compliance your operation currently is.

Did you know

Forbes recently said that 70% of current workers would like to continue working in learning remotely even when the pandemic is over?

RMCC standardizes and scales operations in all 17 states with 5 more on the way. you have the unique opportunity to join current students across the country seeking the same information you are.

RMCC’s Track & Trace Administrator Certification Program is unique and the first of its kind in the cannabis industry. We’ve built a compliance community made up of professionals across the country with mentorship from experienced licensed operators.

The exclusive community is moderated by RMCC to assure you that you’re learning the right things and the best practices that don’t exist elsewhere. Within the first few HOURS of accessing their training, students have been able to immediately implement cost-saving measures (don’t take our word for it, they are saying so themselves!)

Our students are confident knowing their learning is vetted based on our 30+ years of collective hands-on experience and our team of retained lawyers.

In fact, individuals using their learning pathway right now have proven that taking the pre-aptitude test alone will increase knowledge by a minimum of 50%. Today you can take the test for free right here.

You’ll gain assurance that you’re focused on the right things along with the best practices that don’t exist anywhere else. 

If you’re already excited to join the community, individuals may apply for the program here. There are limited seats but If you’re accepted, the RMCC aptitude test is included in the program along with TONS of tools, resources, templates, AND 1-1 operational coaching with BriAnne Ramsay, RMCC’s CEO and Founder.

RMCC supports you no matter where you are on your journey - see what you already know at absolutely no cost today by clicking here.